Kyle 1.0: Geek Culture and New Media

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Unemployed Skeletor's video blog of evil # 1

Ok, this just blew me away. Now I am child of the 80's and one of my favorite cartoons from that age was and still is He-man (doesn't help that I bought all of the DVD boxsets). Well I was researching different videocast that are on the web, and randomly I came across this one. Unemployed Skeletor! Some guy who dresses up as a villain from the 80's with a beer belly, who can't find work and decides to join the rest of the nation by starting a video blog. I have to say that now I have seen everything. I first thought that maybe is was just a one-time thing for someone that just wanted to have a little fun, but nope, the man has over 40 video posts already, with more coming. The quality of the video blogs aren't the greatest, but then again I don't think he was really worried about that. They video blog is however quite amusing and people continue to watch. All I can say is by watching them, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Nerdcore For Life Trailer

So I first found out about nerdcore last week as I was going through the many videocast and blogs that I check daily. Apparently there has been a whole sub-culture of geek rappers out there for a couple of years now, but really started getting noticed recently. Instead of hearing people rap about killing, stealing and making love, you have people rapping about comic books, video games and how much ram they have in there computer. I'm still trying to find out more about it. I can relate to a good chunk about what they are rapping about. I'm really curious to see this documentary now. One thing I did learn from all of this is that there is apparently a nerdcore artist out in Denton. I'm going to have to find out when her next show is just to get the full feel of one of these shows.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

GameScapes . Videogame Landscapes

I keep up with a lot of other new media artist blogs to see what they have all been up to and see what I might be able to learn from. One of the artists that I really like is Cory Archangel. He's been around for a bit. He recently posted a blog about a show they did in Milan, Italy. The show was called GamesScapes. It's basically a show dealing with videogame art. I really found this interesting since all of my art lately has been video game related.

First offcial post!

Well here it is, the first official post for this new blog. This is a new type of blog. I have one for my art and other video projects, I have one for the class I am teaching, I have one for the new videocast that I am starting, and hopefully I'll have one for a podcast that this blog will help me come up with. Though there is the matter of the topic for this blog. As the title states, I am one huge geek who has embedded himself into the world of new media. So that is where I think I will take this blog. I want to make this one a bit more personal, but have it deal with my environment in all things geeky and new media. I know that can be a stretch, but maybe if I'm able to final post about other things that I'm interested about It, maybe it can both help to learn a bit more about myself, and help me to come up with what I want to do my podcast on.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Start of a new blog!

Well I hope this will be the start of a new one.