My return and Second-life...
Well here it is nearly three months later. I know that it has been way to long, but better now then never. Its been a long three months, but I ready to jump back on the band wagon and start getting this blog where it was needs to go. Where exactly that is suppose to be, I’m not exactly sure yet, but it's not going to go anywhere if I'm just letting it sit here and collect dust. I am back to start posting my findings about the world of new media. I will be continuing to work on my audio pod-cast, but hopefully eventually I may add video to this blog. I been doing some research over the past couple of months on how to maybe incorporate live video into here, but till then your stuck with what you've been getting so far. =)
Well now to the topic of my entry. I've have been spending a lot of time on second-life and have gained a new interest on there. Among spending time on the virtual plain, I have also been reading a lot of blogs from people on SL that post about machinima. As I stated in an earlier post, machinima is the process of making movies using video game engines. One really interesting this I have found out is that there are virtual companies within SL that specialize in creating machinima. There are even film festivals in SL for people that have tried there handing at creating there own movie. Some are really awesome, others not as great, but still all in all you have to give props to these people for even trying their hand at it. I have only done a little shooting so far. RL video projects haven't allowed me the time I would like to be able to do more, but the plan for later down the road is to try my hand a completed short film. I have already started networking with other people on SL who I plan to use at actors.
I'm not entirely sure what the full title of the video I have posted here due to my lack of Japanese studies. Damn Kanji! Anyway the video is the open sequence to movie shot made in Second-life. It is very well done and you can see most of it posted on youtube. The opening reminds me so much of an opening from any typical anime. Still from what I have watch of it so far, these people have put a lot of time into it.
Well that is it for now. Before I go I will leave a few links to some of the blogs and sites that I have found from people working in Second-life: