Kyle 1.0: Geek Culture and New Media

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Six Apart...

This post is coming from the more and more I think about the company Six Apart. I'm amazed about how it got started. The owners of the company are a married couple. Ben and Mena Trott are a young married couple who reside in San Francisco. The thing that really gets me about them is that They are only a month older than I am. They are only 29 years old and already millionies, and then there is me who is in grad school still trying to figure out where I am going and still have trouble paying all of my bills. Now I'm not going to sit here and bitch about how life is un-fair, and be un-happy, because I'm not. In reality, I'm really impressed. I mean from what i can tell, neither of them has and educcation after high school (if they do I haven't been able to find any information yet) and they have this huge company. They just jumped in to the real world and are still going, where someone like me who has decided to go for his PHD and is continuly struggling with his direction. Another funny thing about Six Apart (which i foound out that they came up with the name due tothe fact they are only six days apart in age) that the reasons for their sucess isn't even something they are responsible for. The success for their company if due to blogging. Now Blogging was started by someone else, but both Brentt and Mena where with in the first wave of blogger, and weren't happy with what they had, so they decided to take current media and find a way to make it better and make it their own. Thus they created MoveableType with was blogging software (due to the fact that they both had a programming back-ground) and TypePad which is a blogging host like Blogger. After a few years of success, they acquired venture capital in which they bought the blogging host system Live-Journal, and now they have even broken into the world of social networking with their new system, Vox. Now I bring this all up, because we are all told to get an education (which I'm not knocking) and create something totally new, but that's how it's happening. People are find ways to break into the business world by taking something that is already there and find a way to either create something else out of it or make it better. It's amazing just what I've been able to find out. I have to ask though, when will it be my turn? I wonder if I might be able to figure out a way to take video and create my own and better version of You-tube. Who knows.


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